Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Power of Sharing

Here’s an interesting take on whether the power of the link will be replaced by the power of the Facebook “like” widget. The piece, written by Bruce Clay, is a bit technical and dense. And we can’t say we agree that linking is becoming obsolete– a controversial view, to the say the least. However, it brings up an important reminder. Internet marketing requires a strong social media marketing campaign, which is all about building a strong online social community. But what does that mean? It means that your business has to earn the trust of a group of consumers who will praise your business to more and more people via Facebook, Twitter, and other social mediums.

Essentially, the power of word-of-mouth has never been greater. Granted, Search Engine Optimization represents enormous possibilities for your business, as your website will be seen by people from all over the world.
However, the “Power of Likes” theory maintains that social media users inherently trust their friends and social media connections more than random strangers and web advertisements. So if you can use social media correctly, your loyal clients will be doing free advertising for your business. Facebook and Twitter allow consumers to be browsing advertisers, people who recommend your business to friends who trust their opinion.
So how do you take advantage of this? You should integrate the sharing widgets into your business site as cleanly as possible. Don’t stop at Facebook or Twitter widgets. Use LinkedIn or StumbleUpon widgets, too. This way you are providing visitors to your site every opportunity to pass on the good word. In fact, ShareThis.com is a great site that helps you incorporate all the sharing widgets.

The post The Power of Sharing appeared first on Opmax Online Marketing & More.

from Opmax Online Marketing & More http://ift.tt/2knjmA5

Words That Sell: How to Convert Traffic

Internet Marketing has many facets, but there are two clearly defined goals your business should have: Driving Traffic and Converting Traffic.

Driving traffic is all about SEO and bringing as many eyeballs to your site as possible. The whole idea of SEO is that the more people who come to your site offers you more prospective customers. Converting traffic is all about turning increased viewership into increased revenue. This process is called Conversion Optimization.

In order to master Conversion Optimization, there are two things two remembers about Internet Marketing.

1) Your marketing your business to an audience far bigger than ever before.
2) That audience is far more marketing-savvy than ever before.

Now, 1 is obviously a great thing for your business. If you can master Internet Marketing, your business should grow at an astounding rate, even in these difficult times. (Put another way, now that the economy is down it is IMPERATIVE for you to maximize your business with Internet advertising.) But you have to grasp 2 to take full advantage of 1.
Your potential customers are all online creatures, who have slowly migrated to the web because they’ve been bombard with Ads on TV and movies and print publications. They are skeptical consumers, yet they are still finding all of the services and products they need on the web. In order to market your business successfully to these customers, you have to use words that sell.

Here are the tips to finding the words that sell your product.

Know Your Audience

The web is niche-oriented. While you want to bring in as many customers as possible, know that potential customers have come to your site because they are looking for your services. So there’s a self-selective process at work.
If you sell antique furniture, then talk directly the people who buy antique furniture. If you dedicate your site to convincing people that antique furniture is worth buying, you’ll lose people. Viewers of your site already want to buy antique furniture. You’ve got to make sure they want to buy antique furniture FROM YOU.

Words That Sell

So what are the words that sell? For starters, the products in your industry that are the biggest sellers. You need to optimize your site for these big sellers because that’s what’s going to improve your SEO. And once people are on your site, that’s what they’re looking to buy. Feature the big selling products as much as you can.


Making Numbered Lists is eye-catching and professional-sounding. Top 5s, Top 10s. It seems simple, but your EYES ALWAYS GO TO NUMBERS AND VISUALS. So present information in numbered lists.

The Power of “You”

Use “you” as often as you can. Speak directly to each customer. The culture is of the web is conversational, informal. Make sure your customers feel like your having a conversation with them.

Tell Stories

We all think best in story. That’s what grabs our attention and that’s how we learn. So get out of the abstract and make everything a story. Don’t talk about why your product is superior. Say how. Give people stories to entertain them and inform them.

Big Bold Text, Photos and Videos

The best words that sell are usually not even words. If you’re selling your business online, then you are targeting a web audience. That’s an audience that is averse to reading lots of text. So make sure you sell your site with big bold text, colorful images and videos.

In conclusion, Internet Marketing is not about using a magic word to sell your business online. It’s about knowing your audience. The web has changed how your customers absorb information. Make sure your business site reflects these changes.

The post Words That Sell: How to Convert Traffic appeared first on Opmax Online Marketing & More.

from Opmax Online Marketing & More http://ift.tt/2yZS9Io